Saturday, August 10, 2013


Why do sports coaches and sports managers, who quite often are older men and women, feel they need to wear shorts when they're training their people? It's not pretty, it's not clever and I, for one, am not in the least impressed.  Decorum please at all times.... and before anyone has a go at me about, for instance, my party trousers, I have cancer people and therefore the normal rules don't apply.  

On the subject of cancer I have spoken to Dr Yvonne and we have agreed that I will have a whole load of scans - CT scan, bone scan and brain scan.  The latter because I'm getting headaches but she does think this is unrelated to the cancer as I'm not nauseous at all which is what happens with a brain tumour apparently.  But I'm not complacent on this as a friend of DD's who has lung cancer also has a brain tumour so it is one of the places that lung cancer spreads to.

Have ordered all 4 (count them) Airport movies on DVD from Amazon following the posting of the Karen Black YouTube clip the other day.  Thinking of arranging a trash-movie-fest day soon :-) And on the subject of trash movies, I recorded Sharknado the other night (Syfy channel on Sky).  It's a film about a tornado that sucks up sharks from the sea into the air where they start attacking planes and helicopters and shit.  Sharks on a plane!  How fabulous do we al imagine that film is going to be?  I'll let you know. That's all.  J x

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