Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Number Of Things

So. Bat moths. When does the season end for God's sake? Because I found another moth the size of a bat in my bedroom tonight.  Yes, my patented method of bat-moth release-capture mechanism worked but I'm fed up of it.  When will it all end? Any budding entomologists out there please get in touch...

And another thing, I was a little drunk whilst trying to expel said bat-moth on account of having been round to Denise's and consumed a number of vodkas.  Am I an alcoholic?  And, if I am, what - if anything frankly - should I do about it?

And another thing, I had consumed a number of vodkas in order to dull the pain.  Not only the pain in my back - cancer related - but the pain in my shin- falling over related.  I'd fallen over in Sackville Street Park where I was attending the HIV vigil.

And another thing, I was really moved by the vigil (in fact I cried without the aid of vodka) even though I had to attend on my own.  Jim was there (but on duty) as was my stalker (Jonathan) but he was also on duty. But I think I got cruised anyway.  Putting aside for the moment the ethics of getting cruised whilst at a vigil, I was so not up for it for a million different reasons.  I need to think about this I think and discuss with someone. And by "someone" I mean someone whose solution to my dilemma isn't to tie me to a tree in a cruising park.... I'm in London from Wednesday and meeting up with Sarah and so will discuss with her.  She's very sensible.  I'm almost sure.

And that's all I think.  Scans tomorrow (Manchester Mum in charge: yay Manchester Mum) and meal with Toby in Preston. Yay.  Will report back soon.  J x

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