Monday, August 19, 2013

Hello Everyone Out In Blogland

Just back from a lovely meal of penne and sausage with the fragrant Andrea and the fragrant Lisa (unfortunately no Penny or Kerry) at Felicinis and now awaiting a call from the fragrant LL.  Whilst waiting I have decided to treat myself to a diluted vodka on the terrace.  Here is a lovely pic of said diluted vodka...

How beautiful is that?  Got the moon and everything.  Not quite as warm as one might have hoped so have had to keep the Prada jacket on.  Forecast is saying that it should get warmer over the next few days though.  Yay.

Must just say a happy birthday to both Lisa and Andrea and indeed will mention Sarah (Leeds) and Sarah (London) and Sara (Manchester) too as tis the season for birthdays.  Happy Birthday all. Those of you who care about me will, of course, know that it will be my birthday on 05/09 at which time I hope to be in Swansea depending on the outcome of my clinic appointment with Dr Yvonne on 03/09.  

Talking of which, I had my nuclear scan today which all passed off without a hitch.  Indeed the fragrant DD and I managed to squeeze in a visit to a garden centre between having the radioactivity injected and getting the actual scan.  Quite a good little garden centre too in Timperley.  I bought a packet of parsley seeds and DD bought a whole lot more.  I have to say though that the nuclear suite at Wythenshawe isn't a patch on the one at MRI.  No plush waiting rooms or fancy chairs to wait for the radioactivity to do its work nor indeed no slim and charming young male nurse to attend to my every need (although Emma in Wythenshawe did really well I have to say - she's not responsible for the accident in biology and I'm not blaming her at all). Results will be available to Dr Yvonne on Friday so may well hear something before the scheduled clinic appointment on 03/09. I'll keep you informed.

Last night was fun too - Airport 1975 (the one with Karen Black and Helen Reddy in), Airport 1977 (plane crashes in Bermuda Triangle and needs to be rescued by lots of frogmen in super-short, 1970s short shorts. Yum), and Airplane (surely you can't be serious...). All accompanied by my penne and sausage (a la Felicinis) and Michele's super-delicious garlic bread.  DD managed to stay on water all night, Michele was on Martini Rosso and I graduated from beer to diluted vodka...

Macmillan meeting tomorrow morning followed by helpline in the evening.  Busy busy. That's all. J x

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