Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Glums

Enjoyed Les Miserables last night. But it's not a film without faults - principally the casting of Hugh Jackman who isn't suited to the role. His singing is OKish but his acting is terrible. And the main difference between Les Mis on film and on stage is that the acting on film needs to be as good as the singing. This is because of all the close ups and the need to carry the story better. Anne Hathaway is a revelation though. I actually cried when she had her fall from factory worker to prostitute. Brilliant. Bizarrely the best singing in the film comes from Colm Wilkinson who, here, plays the priest who shelters Jackman. Overall the film is well worth seeing though even though it is long - around 2 and a half hours.

In other news had coffee with Sara and Lesley and was good to catch up with them as I haven't seen Sara since before Xmas. Had coffee in Rylands cafe which is a nice little cafe but the service isn't very good.

Feeling good today but start final cycle tomorrow with big chemo session. Hopefully it won't be too tough. Rest assured I'll let you all know how it goes. Have to be there early as, once again, the District Nurses won't be here to take my blood today. That's all. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Wow, what time were you in the JR cafe? I was in there with my class, drinking tea before entering the library proper to sketch for a project on atmosphere. Hmm, and the verdict on that is 'dim and grim' though the building is full of interesting touches but a massive increase in wattage - or do I mean lux? - would improve things immensely. However the cafe is a cute little place where the waiter served me on bended knee. Gotta love it.
Hope you enjoyed your visit, dear boy.

Jonathan said...

Was there from about 1230 to 1400. Would hate to think I'd missed you as it's been far too long since I saw you last. But hopefully with imminent arrival of sister dearest we may well meet up soon. If not I have the next book group meeting on my calendar and will endeavour to attend. J x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Was in around 1pm and 2.30pm. Surely you must have heard my raucous laugh and seen me swishing around in my faux leopardskin coat? Something akin to a cross between Hylda Baker and Julie Goodyear? Course, the knitted woolly hat does add a touch of the Victoria Wood...Damn this cold weather!