Friday, January 25, 2013

Big Chemo

Another long day yesterday - 0800 to 1730 - principally because of the need to get blood tests done on the day and the having to wait for the results. But it was my last time this time round so I'm not complaining too much. It was quite tiring though and I actually fell asleep for a while as they were pumping poison into my veins. Denise as ever was marvellous driving me to the hospital and picking me up to bring me home. I don't thank her enough for all she does for me.

Saw the lovely nurse Jackie who wants to come to Copenhagen with us. This is good news because not only is she nice and good fun but she's a cancer nurse. I do realise that's a rather selfish viewpoint but I'm sure it will put a lot of people's minds at rest. Anyway, you'll all get to meet her at my party on 21/06 and you can issue her with her instructions to look after me then!

Incidentally there's been a change in the theme for the party. Paganism rules no longer. The theme will be A Midsummer's Night Dream. This can be interpreted narrowly (come dressed as a character from the play) or more widely (dare to dream on this Midsummer's Night and dress accordingly). More details nearer the time.

And that's all for now. Hopefully my side effects will be as relatively mild this time round as they were for the third cycle. But even if they aren't this will be the last time for a while. Yay. J x

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