Thursday, January 17, 2013

Scan Results

Spent a happy 2 hours at the hospital this afternoon (big queue for the X-Ray machine). So got to see the doctor late. Saw Dr Taylor (who I've not seen before and who is Australian - but he seems quite nice). He says that the scan shows a "significant" reduction in the size of the tumour in my right lung and the associated lymph modes since the last scan. Also a large reduction in the fluid in the pleural area (but this is compared to a scan taken before they drained the fluid - at least it shows that the fluid hasn't re-accumulated though).

This is good news but its difficult to draw any firm conclusions from this. All one can say is that it is a positive result and hope that things continue in a positive manner. The original prognosis - 9 to 12 months from time of diagnosis - hasn't been changed but since this is an average (i.e. an average of results some of which will be below 9 to 12 and some of which will be above), any positive results mean that one is likely to be above the average rather than below it. I like the sound of that.

We also discussed the possibility of having some more chemotherapy further down the line. This is possible but will depend a) on my response to chemotherapy generally - which looks good at the moment and b) how fit I am at the time - again looking positive at the moment. Perhaps I should join a gym again? :-)

Got a plumber coming round tonight to look at my washing machine. Not expecting good news there. :-(

That's all for now. J.


fig said...

I'm giving this news a qualified 'hoorah'. Though I expect less as regards the plumber ... 'movie' scenario aside.

BTW. Skyrim is fabulous. I have five dragon souls.

Jonathan said...

New washing machine installed and working well. Plumber is gay but no scenarios involved... J x