Thursday, October 17, 2013

Quick Update

For those who are worried.

I have been quite ill and in a lot of pain recently as well as feeling scarily breathless - hence no postings. In hindsight, Ibiza was a mistake and I should just have stayed at home.

It's been discovered that I have a chest infection which explains the feeling ill and breathlessness. I'm now on antibiotics for that so it will hopefully clear up soon.  Doctor Yvonne was slightly worried about the possibility of a pulmonary embolism but I was scanned for that today and I don't have any of those.

The pain in my back and neck continues to be troublesome - I had a dreadful night last night and was sick this morning - but I've been given some morphine which will allow me to finesse my painkillers a bit more cleverly to help hopefully.  Today has been, on the whole, relatively pain free. I will need an MRI scan of my spine to see if these pains are cancer-related or not. That is likely to happen next week.  I suspect the pains are not cancer related but let's see what the scan shows.

And that's about the long and the short of it so far.  Was at Wythenshawe hospital just after we landed on Tuesday, at The Christie all morning today and am at The Christie and Wythenshawe hospital tomorrow! Will resume normal service again soon I promise. And thanks for all your good wishes. J x

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