Thursday, October 03, 2013

Crime & Punishment

This was a really interesting production that actually included some humour (I hadn't expected that but then I wasn't at all sure what to expect). The cast and staging were good and whilst there is no getting away from the philosophising of Dostoyevsky there was also a story to be told.  On the whole I enjoyed it.  And it was my first experience of the Liverpool Playhouse which, through reading the timeline on the wall of the bar, has had a chequered and troubled history.  

It was also great to catch up with Ronda who I haven't seen since my party.

Arrived home about 2330 but then had quite a bad night due to back pain.  I had hoped it would be getting better by now but not on the evidence of last night. But that may have been down to the train journeys and sitting in the theatre. Will take things relatively quietly today and see how I go on tonight.

That's all. J x

1 comment:

fig said...

Greetings from Berlin where we are also a bit weary as there are builders drilling the outside of our apartment from 7. 15am daily. Bang goes the lie-in. Which is not to say we are having a bad time here(just a slightly dozier one).

Berlin in Oct is sunny and cool, we had a trot around Brandenburg Gate and the Tiergarden yesterday AND (co's I know you are such a HUGE fan) I had a photo taken outside the erstwhile Hansa Studios were David Bowie recorded "Heroes".

Glad to see you have finally made it into the movies; I thought of you yesterday as we looked over the Dietrich exhibit at the Filmmmmusuemmm (the Germams like 'M's') ... I couldn't help but think of 'der vaseline'.

Sending huge hugs from Der Farterland.

Herr Fig und Mark