Friday, October 04, 2013

Blogging Right At You

... from the bar of the Hilton Gatwick.  The conference is somewhat disappointing and I've left my Cavalli jacket somewhere and can't trace it for the moment.  So I'm in the bar with a Peroni, a double Absolut and you dear readers.

Back pain still not good and I also have a headache. But that's because I haven't slept properly for two nights.  DD is home on the ranch ensconced on my sofa in her pyjamas (she informs me). So I'm feeling a little sorry for myself and far from home.  But never mind, seeing the lovely Karen tomorrow.

One interesting (and unexpected) keynote speech today was by the CEO of Skype.  Who shared with us his own personal cancer journey.  Turns out even he had to battle to get the treatment he needed when he needed it.  He did piss a few people off because his journey involved private healthcare and being flown to New York to see the world's number one specialist for his particular form of cancer (only 10 cases in the UK every year - and guess what, there was someone in the audience with the same cancer: what were the chances?). But it was a familiar story nevertheless.  There were a number of things he said that I disagreed with although I knew where he was coming from.  He said that "cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me" and "cancer is a gift". I understand what he means because cancer has transformed my life too in ways that are sometimes better than before but he needs to find a better way to express that.  It's not a gift nor would anyone choose to have it in order to enhance their life.

He was also a big believer in positive thinking and alternative therapies (so why fly to New York?) which, as you all know, is a viewpoint I fervently disagree with.

Anyway, going to catch up on emails and Twitter now so that's all.  J x

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