Thursday, January 22, 2009

Update II

Threw up earlier. Not much though. Also had diarrhea. That was a relief though because up until then I had been constipated (I know you're all fascinated by these details!).

On the plus side, Jane called round to see me which was very nice bringing with her the bicarbonate of soda and a book. I think she was quite shocked by my appearance. I got tired very quickly though so she only stayed for about 3/4 of an hour. I had a bath straight away afterwards which was quite painful (my blisters making contact with the hard bath surface) but it has made me feel a little better. Have daubed my face with calamine lotion and that has helped the itching. My scalp is still driving me mad though. Now gong to watch some more Sopranos. J x


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you're feeling so bad hon. I'd love to come and see you next week. Anything I caan do just give me a call.

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Poor Jonathan - have just read your blog and am so sorry you've got chickenpox. It's an unpleasant thing as you've discovered to your cost. I do hope you will soon recover and feel more lively.

Let's hope, too, that your scars fade quickly and that your trip with Saint DD comes around quickly.

Keep on with the calamine - a drag, but most effective in the long run.

Let us know when your incubation period is over...

Nanny x

Anonymous said...

and today?