Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chicken Pox is a Fucker

I was talking to Fig on the phone yesterday during my "up" period and we came up with the above post title which references (as those of you have been with this blog for many years will recognise) my early days post entitled "cancer is a c***". We thought that was really funny. Oh how cruelly fate twists the knife. Following my last post yesterday I spiraled rapidly downwards, my temperature shot up, I couldn't sleep, I had trouble catching my breath and I threw up a couple of times. I still feel no better yet. I'm a little worried about the breathing thing because I thought it might be caused by fluid collecting on my lungs. My Dad doesn't think this is happening because he says one can hear when there is fluid on one's lungs. He thinks it might just be stress related. I might give the on-call doctor a ring later because I'm sure he said something to me about breathing problems. I'l see how things go this afternoon when I'm sat upright - its more difficult to breathe when lying flat and let them get over the remnants of a Saturday night in Manchester before I call though. Temperature is currently back up to 38.6. That's all for now. J x


Kathryn said...

This is a very accurate post title. You've got all our sympathy, and I do think ringing the doc is a good idea.

fig said...

Weren't we funny?