Monday, January 26, 2009

I have pneumonia

Just when you thought it couldn't get any better. I'm on oxygen and had a shot of something in A&E earlier. I start on a course of Acyclovir (a wide spectrum, kick-ass anti-viral). I'm on the Medical Assessment Unit in a private room (still contagious). But it's all the usual NHS nonense - I won't blog details here because if you remember someone complained about the cost of phone calls so all that fantastic Internet wizadry has now gone. Thank God for iphones. If all goes according to plan I should be back home Thursday or Friday. J x


Kathryn said...

Well, all I can say is kick ass while you're there! And ask them to sort out the toenail while they're at it. I was going to send you some flowers, but I'll postpone until you're home and better. Definately poorly baaaad.And "under the doctor". See if you can wangle some morphine and it will feel much much better. Love A & K xxxx

Joolz said...


When I had shingles last year, I was prescribed Aclivor - it definitely helped. You are in the wars aren't you? Am thinking about you and hoping that things will get better for you from now on.

Love and Hugs

fig said...

If Chicken Pox is a Fu*ker, what the hell does that make pneumonia?

... It's difficult enough to spell the ruddy thing, without then having to think up a comedy swear word to go with it.

Honestly, all your illness are playing havoc with my comedy moments.

Hugest hugs from the seaside, an appropriately lewd Get Well Card is on its way.

Figgy x x x x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Your poor thing. All those 'poxy' jokes have fallen very flat now, m'dear.

Hope those fierce anti-biotics are doing the trick and that you can have a nice long recuperative holiday in the sun.

Much love from all the reading group
Nanny xx

Anonymous said...

Wow i-phone is clever. Take care of yourself bebs everyone at bookclub last night sent their regards.

Honestly hardy amyone had read the book...slackers

Slobber dosh