Friday, September 29, 2006

Well That's It

She's gone. Mrs T has jumped ship and left us all floundering in her wake. How will HMRC cope now that its most famous daughter has retired? No-one knows but what we do know is that it was a fab leaving party. Loads of people there, good speeches, a buffet (of which I did not partake obviously), more presents than you could shake a stick at (had you been so inclined) and free red wine! In fact, all the ingredients for a perfect HMRC do. Had to leave early due to back pain but stayed long enough to enjoy myself. Had text from Mrs T after she had been poured into a taxi and it sounds as though she had a good time too.

Off to see Me & My Girl tomoroow at the Opera House. I'll let you know what it was like at a later date. night everyone. J x

P.S. Whatever happened to Little Babes?


Jonathan said...

Welcome back little babes. We've missed you. J x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

I love the "poured into the taxi" comment - red wine is strongly associated with Sooz, I really can't imagine why.

I wonder why she never told me before about being under a table with 2 (4?) men in a drunken stupor....hmmmm..who would have guessed that life in the Revenue was so exciting?

It will be very quiet when she and Kevan take off to northern parts - we'll just have to hope that she misses us all sooooo much that she's back in time for Christmas!
Nanny x