Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Still Dizzy

Saw the nurse and had my blood pressure measured. It does drop when I stand up so she took some blood samples which will be tested for salts and anaemia. I get the results on Friday (when I will be in London) so I'll update you all when I get back. In the meantime I just have to be careful about standing up too quickly. J x

1 comment:

Darth Vader said...

excellent - exactly what happens to me. If you can then request they put you on the special bed that tips you downwards head first... I loved it so much I fell off!!!! I can give you good guidance on the best crisps to lick should you feel the need... Cheesey doritos are good and hold themselves together plus you can get them in packs of 12. M&S crisps (the ones in the big bags) - some kind of ham i recall also good. Beware of strange looks from your bin man however when he finds he is disposing of a multi pack of soggy licked crisps.

take care of yourself