Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me

Thank you all for the cards, flowers and presents. As ever I'm overwhelmed by just how popular I am. And for those of you who have yet to send a card its not too late to rush out and buy one now!

Denise is taking me to the theatre tonight to see something (I forget what) by what's-his-name (I forget who) and its going to be fab. I'll let you have my review later tonight or tomorrow.

Incidentally, I discovered from the cancer research UK website that mouth cancer is more common than either cervical or testicular cancer (about 4400 new cases every year). If you detect it early, survival rates are over 90% with little effect on appearance, eating or speech. The warning signs are -

* an ulcer or sore in your mouth
* a red or white patch in your mouth
* an unexplained pain in your mouth or ear
* an unexplained lump in your neck
* a sore or painful throat
* a croaky voice or difficulty swallowing

I had some of these symptoms for a long time before I contacted my doctor so don't make my mistake. If you have any of the above contact your doctor straight away. J x


fig said...

Happy Birthday to you
Hapy Birthday to you
I missed out a 'p' there
What a sill thing to do

sassynklassy said...

Happy Birthday Jonathan...
I may not have met you personally, but you have touched my heart and my funny bone...frisky lil chit, arent ya???
Lotsa of Birthday hugs coming all the way from Hotlanta!!!

Jonathan said...

Lou, can you tell us a little about yourself? You've got everyone on this side of the Atlantic intrigued... J x

sassynklassy said...

Well, let's see...I am 45, divorced for a while now, and living in Atlanta. I was born and raised in California, moved to NY in my 20's, stayed 10 years and then family brought me to this God forsaken place, where the women have no teeth and the men drive pick-em-up trucks. I hope to move back west when I can.I am a liberal, who believes in pro-choice, gay marriages and no war, so I kind of stick out like a sore thumb here. I have not had any crosses burned on my lawn as of yet... I came upon your blog, while surfing blogs one day. A friend of mine started a blog about us, which I wont put on here, as it is kind of steamy and I would hate to have ALL of your friends deem me a promiscuous woman..lol I happened to take some interest in you, as you have heard, my uncle just battled the same thing you are battling now. I enjoy your writings, and it is also kind of fun to try and decipher the different sayings from you and your friends 'over there". Now that you know a little about me, if you ever wanna drop me a line, you can at sassynklassy@yahoo.com.
Thanks for letting me intrude...I enjoy you with my morning coffee, sitting at my desk, trying to get motivated...