Monday, September 11, 2006

Don't Worry

Have discovered what may or may not be a lump on my neck. Its about the size of a pea and because of its location it may just be something to do with the operations I had. Anyway, I thought it best to get it checked out so I'm seeing young Sean on Thursday morning. I'll let you all know the outcome just as soon as I get back from seeing him. J x


sassynklassy said...

It's your adams apple darlin...
Hope all is well, and my little autobiography didnt scare you and yours away:)

Kathryn said...

I am very worried indeed by the lump. Is it part of the scarring? Or caused by a pocket in the lymphoedema?
When have been in similar circs, have been climbing walls and chewing carpets. If you want to ring me, do, to discuss. If you had good onco nurse support, I'd suggest they might have prepared you for this - but I can't assume that. Have they given you any prep at all on recurrence? Any guidance on post op lumps, pain, common physical after-effects? Have you got a reputable website for your cancer to check out? When you see YS, ask him to clarify exactly what he will be doing/looking for. Is it a biopsy, scan, if so what type? CT, MRI? How long till results? Stamp your foot please. Is the lump painful or itchy or otherwise interesting? I realise it may be difficult to assess the pain if you are still on post op painkillers.... how is the pain management by the way? Sorry, lots of questions, but hey, this is what I do (be annoying and bossy and Arian). Just be grateful you are in Manchester and not closer so that I can't come round and annoy you in person. If I were, I would insist on repetitively playing the Scissor Sisters new single, which I am totally besotted with at the moment. Andrew sends his love, he is locked up with Cheshire police this week.