Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Medical Schedical

Well, I seem to have had contact with many many branches of the NHS today...

This morning I phoned the GP to get the results of my blood tests. Spoke to the nurse who confirmed that my blood salts were normal but that I was slightly anaemic. She thought this might be caused by my low blood pressure. What? I thought it was the other way round. I challenged her and she fudged the issue and said that if things didn't get worse and I didn't fall over any more then I shouldn't worry. If I was worried I needed to see the GP. She also recommended that I up my fluid intake to about 3 litres per day (I'm currently on 2 litres). We'll see how things go.

Then went to see Caroline (bless, her last day on Friday). She's done a referral to the physios for my back and given it to me to hand to them. What's the betting they won't accept it unless its come through the internal post? Anyway, Caroline promised to keep reading the blog when she's in Australia and also promised to contribute. So that's 50p to the first person who spots a posting from her...

The went to see Frances who described my swallow as greatly improved. I'll still have to do a barium swallow but I won't need to starve myself beforehand. I'll get a letter in the post telling me when that will be. She also gave me some new tongue exercises to do using an implement. By the end of this I'll have the most skilled tongue in Christendom and won't I be the popular one...

Also called in at HNSU (anyone remember what that stands for?) and saw Christie (the nurse who looked after me the best) which was nice. She asked after the Aged Ps (I think she was taken with my father God bless her).

Anyway, everyone said I was looking really well which was gratifying. I also walked all the way to the MRI and then back again.

Cath called round tonight and it was really great to see her because I haven't seen her for a while. Am now looking forward to Friday when I will see a lot of you who read this blog. And on that note I'll say goodnight. J x

1 comment:

fig said...

News, News, News.

You may be recovering from major surgery and coping with the challenges it poses, but - Gawd - it makes your life interesting doesn't it?

I'm currently on day two of a three day bit of leave and all I have to tell you is that yesterday I played 'Civilisaton' for about four hours and did some light housework.

Pah - no tongue excercises for me.

Ooh! I have gone deaf in one ear though. That is quite exciting. I think it is bit of compacted wax (ewww, sorry) so I'm going to the see the nurse on Friday for a right old syringe-ing.

I doubt I'll get physio or anything like that. Perhaps I'll go and test my sense of balance by a walk on the pier. (A bit like you I'm having moments of wobbliness, which I am guessing is due to inner ear inbalance caused by this bit of wax).

There had better be enough to make a candle or I'm going to be so mad.