Monday, April 15, 2013

Still Here...

... in the land of nothing happening. Except of course stuff did happen today. Saw the consultant this morning and it looks as though Mum will be receiving 6 cycles of chemotherapy which she is disappointed about. She'd hoped for just three (she gets her third dose tomorrow). But the consultant says that if she has 6 cycles then she may qualify for the new radiotherapy treatment offered in London (the "Cyberknife" - which sounds very scary indeed). Anyway, she'll have a scan on the 24th followed by another consultation on the 29th and we'll know more after that. Mum was also given some new anti-sickness medication - 1/4 tablets to be take once daily and they are the same tablets as I was given. Except that they'd already been split into quarters by the time they were given to me but Mum was given whole tablets plus a little plastic tablet splitter which meant she had to split them herself (or rather that I had to do it for her). Does this actually save money?

Other than that its been a quiet day. Took my father for a stroll around the park to see if his new water tablets are helping his breathing and, on the evidence today, they do seem to be working. The daffodils in the park were lovely.

Spoke to the pension people on the phone today and they might actually pay me my pension now (although I'm still in dispute with them over the whole calculation broohouha). Also looks as though my boss is now getting the money I'm owed for the work I actually did sorted out as well. If things carry on like this I might actually be able to eat any day now... :-) (I am joking of course, anyone's who has seen me recently will know that it am eating very well indeed).

And that's about all for tonight. Love to all my blogging chums out there. J x

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