Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It's Been A While...

.... but no complaints yet. I'm guessing certain people are away!

So London was fab.  Even Fig liked A Chorus Line which was a turn up for the books.  Rent will be next you mark my words. And we both really enjoyed our backstage tour from Danny Xmas Room (thank you Danny you're a darling, and thank you Jude for arranging it).  We then went for a meal/drink in this fabulous little Soho restaurant called Mele & Pere where their martinis are mixed using their home made vermouth. And very nice they were too. We then trekked over to Kings Cross to drink more drink and watch our friends Topping & Butch in cabaret.  They really are quite clever but the crowd left something to be desired... Got back to the hotel quite late.

Sunday saw me, Donna and Sarah tramping over Hampstead Heath to Parliament Hill (not Primrose Hill as previously advised - it was the dogs in 101 Dalmatians that went there) in the glorious sunshine.  The views over London are stupendous and you can see all the major landmarks.  We sat in the sun for a couple of hours catching up and putting the world to rights (and Sarah has offered to darn my favourite Issye Miyake socks for me - yay- I love her!). We then walked back into Hampstead for lasagne at Carluccio's - honestly I live on those at the moment.  Yum.  Sunday night was early to bed as I was knackered.

BREAKING NEWS - just been to the freezer for a Daddy's little helper only to find out I've run out of vodka. How on earth has that happened?  I think I need to speak to my carer about taking her caring duties seriously....

Monday was a day to myself so it was a stroll down to the South Bank, a walk along the river followed by a coffee in the Royal Festival Hall and then a quick tour of Tate Modern. After that I walked past St Paul's, through the City (all those young thrusting bankers in expensive suits) to the Royal Courts of Justice where I sat in on a trial for an hour or so.  V interesting it was too as it was a civil trial involving a jury and not many of those happen (only certain civil trials qualify for a jury). This one involved a woman who had been accused of assaulting the police and was bringing this prosecution alleging malicious prosecution by the police.  She had purple hair and so I was convinced of her guilt. After that it was, of course, a quick hop and a skip to Number One Aldwych for two of the best martinis in London.   And thence home via First Class where they were dispensing free vodka (I should have asked for a bottle to bring home).

Yesterday was necessarily a quiet day.

Back into the thick of things today with a Board meeting of the South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group which I attended as a Macmillan representative - I know! Thence to the hairdresser for a cut from the lovely Cameron.  I asked him to be a bit quicker as I had helpline duties but all to no avail.  We got enmeshed in the details of his love life and I turned up 10 minutes late at the LGF. No calls tonight though so chatted to the lovely Precinct, the very pretty ginger new boy and also discovered online. OMG.  My next few weeks online browsing has now been set...!

And finally, MORE BREAKING NEWS, Alex Kingston will be playing Lady Macbeth opposite Kenneth Branagh at the Manchester International Festival.  I may well have died already and gone to heaven (even though it doesn't exist).

And, and, and... Rather than going home to Swansea in late May as originally planned my mother has decided she would rather we all went to Amsterdam.  I suspect this may be a different kind of holiday to the last time I was in Amsterdam with young Figgy. We both have sealed lips on what happened then.  Ask him once I'm dead.  He has my full permission to divulge at that point. :-) and that's all for now.  Off to catch up on Masterchef.  J x

1 comment:

fig said...

London was fab. The Show was unexpectedly fab (regular readers please note: we both cried). Standing onstage at the Palladium was a dream ... and could only have been bettered if Biggins had appeared in a puff of smoke.

Topping & Butch took us right down memory lane. A wonderful day/night ... though it cost me £30.00 in a taxi to get to Vauxhall cos of the road closures due to the Marathon preperations (and an an accident closing another road). Still it was worth it and ... my liver has just about recovered.

You and Your Mum in Amsterdam? Heavens. (Tip. Avoid 'Nanas')

Love Fig
(no pigeon toes)