Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Oh God

Triffids were rubbish. Bad script, bad story-line, bad direction. Lots of money thrown at it though. It needed more time in my opinion in order to build characters, story and fill in the background. It was all too superficial for my liking. I too remember the original being dead scary and it would be interesting to see it now to see how it stands up to a modern viewing.

And as for my bloody phone. I have 3 months left on my O2 contract and the cancellation fee is "the rest of your line rental payments". This is obviously less than £342 so I resolved to cancel and take out a new contract with Orange (who also do iPhones). Only Orange refused to accept me as a customer. Me! I couldn't believe it. They said I had a dodgy credit rating. How the hell did they work that out? Of course they can't just tell me I have to write to them (which I'll have to do using my Manchester address) which means I can't find out until I get back to Manchester and therefore I'll have to spend my time in Swansea phoneless. Quelle horreur! I can't risk getting refused by other operators either as this will all show up on my credit risk record. Bloody pain in the arse.

Had dressing changed by the District Nurse today and it looked a bit better to me. Apparently exudate (oozing to you and me) is to be expected with all wounds which is comforting.

Off to a cottage by the sea tomorrow evening so may not have time to blog so I'l take this opportunity to wish all my readers a Happy New Year and see you all again in 2010. That's all. J x


Anonymous said...

Must admit I stopped watching the triffs after about ten minutes ..we are astonished that it is even possible to be turned down for a mobile phone contract ...anyone would think you were in the marshalsea and this was all an elaborate hoax to cover your removal from society...ah..well have a happy healthy new year bebs...

Unknown said...

Well I should read the blog more regularly as I have sent several texts! Anyway hope you had a nice time at the cottage by the sea and all the best to you and yours for 2010!

We have lots of snow here all the plant pots look like white haired marj simpsons.

We are getting our ice boots on and going up to the summer house...we can of course ski down.

All the best and lots of hugs n stuff. The T's xxxx