Thursday, December 10, 2009

Last Day...

...with my gall bladder.

Had a Christies appointment this morning. That all went fine and I'm now on 6 monthly call backs. The consultant (a new chap, quite dishy) said that I just have a couple more appointments to go and then I can be "released". I asked him what happens after that and how many people go on to redevelop the cancer. He said that he couldn't put a figure on it but it was less than one per cent. That'll do me nicely I thought.

Aged Ps sont arrivés... No major rows yet though. Still, its early days. They're both well, which is good. Mother is terrified though that she'll end up having to spend Xmas in Manchester because I won't be fit enough to travel before then. I think she's also a little worried by the fact that my telly isn't working properly at the moment so she hasn't got access to Flog It, Cash in the Attic, Bargain Hunt et al. Still, at least she doesn't watch Jeremy Kyle!

Hospital dentist this afternoon which should be fine and then dinner at Fellicinis avec the aforesaid Ageds and Manchester's most famous retired person, DD. I'm then off to DDs to watch Gavin & Stacey whilst the Ageds come back to the flat.

Early start in the morning. Have to check in at MRI at 0700 but Ma & Pa won't come with me as there is little point in them being there before the main event. They can visit in the afternoon/evening and then they'll pick me up Saturday morning to bring me home.

As ever I will try to blog from the hospital bed and keep y'all up to date with matters medical. That's all. J x


Kathryn said...

Wishing you and your gall bladder a lovely last date. Will be seeing you when you come down to Swansea. Your mum and dad's card arrived today, which was nice. Love from Andrew and Kathryn xxx

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Well, great medical news so far, hon; good luck with the op. Let's hope you are fighting fit by Christmas and can start the New Year in better style than 2009.

Much love
Pen x

Unknown said...

What your telly is playing up and there's snooker to be watched....poor aged Ps how they suffer at your place, but at least they will have a bed this time.

All the best for a speedy recovery.

The Ts

Anonymous said...

Less than 1% blimey you've smashed it bebs

Good luck with the op

Must meet up in new years ....maybe at bookclub?

fig said...

Giant sized hugs from the seaside x x x x x x x x x

sarah h. said...

Hi all, I've just texted J re how things are going and received the following response: "Op didn't go as well as expected and they had to open me up. My gall bladder was a bit of a mess but we don't know why yet. In quite a bit of pain therefore and stuck here till Monday." He asked me to post something along these lines on the blog. I texted back that I was sending good vibes but predictive text turned this into "good vices", which J said he was happy with. Accordingly, I shall be sending more good vices until I hear that he's safely home again. And perhaps some good vibes too, xxx