Thursday, December 24, 2009

Famous Last Words

So having blogged that I was going to rest and heal I promptly got infected and then taken back into hospital in Swansea. Facilities and mobile reception not as good as Manchester so was unable to blog. Fairly serious wound infection and therefore I had to be kept in for IV antibiotics - at one stage it looked as though I might have to have another operation and stay in over Xmas. Luckily they've let me out but I still have 10 days worth of antibiotics to take and daily visits from a District Nurse to change my dressings (including a visit tomorrow morning).

Morriston hospital is awful and I don't like the nurses - more interested in gossip and chatting to each other than in caring for/interacting with patients. Not one of them introduced themselves to me and none of them wear name badges so I had to ask each and every one of them their name. Not good service. To be fair there were one or two who seemed to know what they were doing but they were definitely a minority.

Spent the first night on a trolley due to the unavailability of beds. The nurses were also generally slow in coming forward with the painkillers which is a definite black mark in my book. Luckily the Aged Ps managed to smuggle in some ibuprofen for me so I was able to self-medicate when needed (don't do this at home kids as its potentially dangerous - I feel qualified to do it though through extensive exposure to both hospitals and drugs).

The doctors however were lovely - including the 23 year old who admitted me. 23! Mind you, he looked about 12 and so it was a relief to find out he had actually qualified as a doctor. And Mr Hare Krishnan (I kid you not) was my consultant. Lovely man. Kept putting his hand on my knee for some reason... But Dr G Edwards was the star. I think his first name was Gorgeous. He was beautiful, mid 30s, fabulous body and a bedside manner to swoon over. I liked him even when he was probing my wounds.

So they let me out this afternoon and now I'm back in the hands of the Ageds (thank God). I've had to temporarily register with their GP here in order to access the District Nurse services and I'll need to get some antibiotics on prescription. In view of this I've decided to stay in Swansea whilst I take the antibiotics and come back up to Manchester on 02/01/10. It means missing Leeds with the gang for NYE which is a real shame but can't be helped. And that's us all caught up.

I'll just take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year and hope that for everyone 2010 is better than 2009. That's all. J x

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