Monday, December 28, 2009

Disaster Strikes! Twice in One Day!!

Firstly the District Nurse (still no sign of Nerys) informs me this morning that my wound probably won't heal properly for another 2 weeks. I'd been hoping to be going back to Manchester on 02/01 and back to work on 04/01. Clearly that isn't going to happen with an open pus-oozing wound (sorry for getting so graphic there). It also means that my lovely friends' lovely plan for NYE won't happen either. DD, Bryn & Michelle (god bless 'em) were planning to come down to Swansea for NYE to take me out drinking so that I might escape the horror that is "NYE Games Night" at the Aged residence. This won't happen now either since a NYE outfit that includes a pus-oozing open wound is not a good look for me. But what a nice idea it was. We'll have to have a separate celebration back in Manchester once I'm well enough.

And if that wasn't enough I've now just put my mobile phone through the washing machine and its died. Luckily I have all my contact details stored on my computer so it will just be a case of transferring them onto a new phone. But it means buying a new phone. I suppose though that it is an opportunity to get a new iPhone 3GS rather than the regular one. Thinking about it though I'll probably stick to the regular one simply because it has everything I need and I don't particularly want to be able to film video with my phone.

So, regular readers, if you've sent me a text I haven't replied to (and you need a reply to it) I'm afraid you'll just have to re-send it once I get the new phone (watch this space). That's all for now. J x

1 comment:

fig said...

you washed your phone? No more dirty calls then ...