Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Two Hospitals And The Cinema

That's either the title for a film or my schedule for the day... :-)

MRI at 9830 (not my appointment) followed by Wythenshawe at 1330 (my appointment) and then the cinema at 1730. Phew. It's almost like I could do with a holiday...

... which is proving a little problematic. Thought I'd cruise the net for some travel insurance yesterday and those few companies that are willing to insure me are coming in at between £1100 and £1600. For a four day trip to Paris. Unbelievable. I thought the whole point of insurance was that you lot paid a little extra on your insurance so that I could have a reasonably priced holiday. If its all tied into individual circumstances what is the f***ing point? Might as well just self-insure. So come on you lot. Get in touch with your insurance companies and tell them you want to pay extra... The alternative of course is to exclude the cancer from the insurance. In which case the premium comes down to £30. I will be talking to my consultant this afternoon about what to do for the best.

Helpline last night and had two calls. One of them a wank call which is always refreshing. Trust me, he didn't stay on the line long once I realised what was happening. The other call lasted for an hour with a clinically depressed person who has all sorts of things going on in their life. Hope I helped.

Seeing Cloud Atlas tonight with the lovely Gill. Not sure quite what it's all about but am fairly sure it won't be as bad as Broken City which we saw last week. That's all. J x

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