Saturday, January 23, 2010

So Its Been A While

Apologies for that. I'm doing OK (health-wise) although still getting my dressings changed every other day. It cocks up your working day (particularly if it takes place in the middle of the day) but it can't be helped. It does seem to be getting slowly better which is encouraging. Am seeing the experienced nurse again on Monday so will hopefully get an update (I can rely on) then.

The last week was good (only 2 long days) and capped off with drinks in The Midland with the gang. Went to the cinema this afternoon with Gill to see Avatar. Had to queue for ages to get a ticket - its been on for ages so must be making a pretty penny if its still this popular now. Was nice to look at and I didn't hate it but it won't ever be in my top ten films.

Have just purchased 3 separate versions of The Lion Sleeps Tonight on ITunes tonight. What a fantastic song it is (check me out on Facebook for a video of a hippo singing the song - there's also a dancing dog!). But none of them were by Tight Fit. This latter doesn't appear to be available anywhere which is a crying shame.

Mrs T has acquired a rescue dog called Milly. Have been sent a photo but no reports on how she is settling in. I'm guessing she's eaten most things in the house by now...

1 comment:

fig said...

In The Jungle / With George and Bungle / The Lion Sleeps Tonight...