Thursday, January 07, 2010

Fig Works Magic

Following Fig's comment on my last post my GP's nurse has now agreed to see me on Monday and to discuss a plan for going forward (she seems to think I'm the responsibility of the District Nurse). But hey, its progress of sorts. I like to think that Gordon Brown read Fig's comment and took time out from urging his cabinet colleagues to support him to get in touch with the Health Secretary (whoever that is - I should really find out so I can use his/her name as a threat) to contact my GP. Thank you Fig, you're a dear.

Other news: we drew the cricket. That's good apparently. But f you ask me it just shows what a parlous state this country is in when we celebrate a draw. Are we no longer a country of winners?

Forecast looking OK for Saturday train ride but you try finding out details of cancelled trains - impossible! Will have to leave it until Saturday morning and phone just before I go. I suspect any problems are likely to be at the Manchester end rather than the Welsh one. Apparently it was minus 18 degrees in Greater Manchester last night. That's cold. We'll see. Matters aren't helped by having no mobile phone as I won't be able to contact anyone whilst I'm on the train. I should probably get hold of a pay as you go one tomorrow. But can you imagine? Suppose someone sees me using a cheap phone? The horror!

That's all for now. Still enjoying Nurse Jackie whatever DDD says. J x

1 comment:

NannyOggandGreebo said...

And it's still as b-- cold today, my dear, and all the snow and ice make small journeys treacherous. Although main roads are not bad,side roads horrendous. Pictures on local tv show kids skating on side roads and on local canals.....of course, when the Thames freezes over (London and the Home Counties are apparently due tonight for a blast of the sub-zero temperatures we have been enduring for days now), it will be far more horrible than anything ever experienced up north naturally.

Hope your apartment is well heated, Jonathan, because baby, it's cold outside!
Nanny xx