Monday, August 14, 2006


What a wonderful idea. I should warn anyone picking me for their team (yes, I know I'll be the last one - always the skinny kid that was picked last at school, that's me) that I was once beaten in a darts match by someone who was registered blind. I'm just saying...

2 more days and I'll be at home looking at all my dead unwatered plants (oh why didn't I take Denise up on her offer to water them? What madness was it that made me think: "This is Manchester, it always rains"?). Its been nice to be at home though (if exhausting - mother had a full social calendar mapped out for me!) and I think this is probably the longest I've stayed at home since I actually left home all those decades ago.

At MRI on Thursday but its a routine follow up appointment so nothing to get excited about. And that's about all the news for now. I'll post when I'm back to let you all know that I made it safe and sound. J x


fig said...

Oh how nice to read something new from you. I thought you'd forgotten us out here in Blogland.

I've no news for you - apart from to say that the 'Wicked' tickets have arrived! oooooh!

newcastlewench said...

Can't top the registered blind darts defeat - altho I did have a great aunt who was in a choir which put on concerts for the deaf, I kid you not.
Good luck getting past the border guards in the People's Republic of Wales (which allusion you will only appreciate if you got round to getting a Jasper fforde 'Thursday Next' book).