Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Connection Problems

Whilst I am able to access this lovely blog from Swansea I cannot (for some reason, maybe something to do with the fact that Windows 2000 is now 6 years out of date?)access my e-mails. If you have anything urgent to communicate with me you'll either have to do it publicly in this forum or privately by text message (078333 90996).

Fairly quiet day today although did make trip to the solicitors to sort out my will. Also found out whilst I was in town that the first house I ever owned (bought for £15,000 in 1983) is back on the market for £175,000. If only I hadn't sold.... J x

1 comment:

newcastlewench said...

Surely it's the fact that it was once owned by J Lew Esq that has made it so valuable.