Saturday, December 21, 2013


So looking up Pregabalin (one of my many new drugs) on the internet. According to Wikipedia, one of the side effects is "abnormal walking". Please report me to the police immediately if you notice me walking abnormally.  It also, apparently, has an effect on libido which can be increased or decreased.  Please be aware of this in case I start humping your leg when you visit.... :-). J x


fig said...

How the hell are we going to tell? You've been walking abnormally for years. Miss Mince.

ps. I'm not going to mention the coffin vodka... other than to say the words hat and fit.

sarah h. said...

Maybe "abnormal walking" isn't "walking abnormally" but abnornal walking - like leaving the house after breakfast and just keeping on walking till midnight? Or just walking round and round in circles? Just a thought.

Jonathan said...

Are you on drugs too?