Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Random posts

So have spoken to Dr Yvonne this evening.  The scans show that the tumours in my lungs have grown.  They're still small (the largest is 1.6cm apparently) which means that we're looking at starting treatment (chemotherapy) in January.  This may be too soon for me to get on the trial though (I need to talk to Dr Y about this as I didn't have time on the phone today).

Also, the tumour near my ribs that was previously treated with radiotherapy has grown again.  But given that I've already had radiotherapy to this area, I can't have it again.

But she reckons that the chemotherapy may have a better than one in ten chance for me. Given my age, the fact that I responded well to the original chemotherapy and the (for lung cancer) relatively long symptom-free period I have had then my chances will be better.  I need to talk to her about this and find out the exact details though.

In the meantime I am to get fentanyl as an analgesic.  This is stronger than morphine and can be delivered via a skin patch which should mean I won't be be woken in the night by the pain (as is currently happening). That will be nice.  I'll still be able to top up with morphine for "breakthrough pain" though.  The only downside is that I'll need to lay off the alcohol whilst we sort out the levels of fentanyl needed. Boo. 

In prognosis terms, I probably won't see next Christmas but who knows..... I may yet make Disney's Into The Woods (which I'd really like to do).  J x

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