Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year Everyone

Welcome to 2014.  What do we think that 14 will have that 13 didn't?  And what resolutions will we be making this year that we didn't last year and what will we be sticking to that we didn't before? So let's take a moment....

Firstly we need to decide whether or not we're going to take it seriously or not.  If you don't really mean it then don't kid us or yourself that you do. Cut the bullshit. Really, I mean it.  Quit joking around and make a decision that counts.  Decide that you're going to do it and mean it or just fuck off.  

OK so we're going to talk here about stuff that counts.  Personally I want to get more serious about my Macmillan stuff.  So far, although I've been serious, I'm getting the feeling that not everyone else has been.  The NHS people are just ticking boxes - yes we have a "patient" on board and so we can say we've consulted widely in the community: fuck off, no you haven't.  The Macmillan people are saying the same (or at least some of them are; to be fair some Macmillan people are good and are trying to do the right thing).  So where do we go from here?  First of all I need to make more noise than I have done so so far.  I need to make sure that meetings are arranged so that People Affected By Cancer (PABCs) can attend the meetings - i.e. not just office hours that fit in with what is convenient for NHS people.

I need to make sure that PABCs are in at the start of things not at the end e.g. when deciding on what a "cancer champion" role looks like, PABCs need to be part of the discussion at the outset rather than at the end being presented with a "this is what we think the role looks like what do you think" fait accompli....

Oooooooh, my dander is up now.  But I also need to fit this around what my treatment schedule looks like while also taking care of my Dad and all the other stuff (social life etc) that needs attending to.  And, of course, sorting out my Jaguar.....

Anyway. Getting late now.  So I'll just wish you all a Happy New Year.  It's my second actually as we celebrated Adelaide's New Year earlier... Hope 2014 is fab.  And see you then  :-) Jx

1 comment:

maggie said...

And all the best to you for 2014, J. And Paul says can we swap the table forvthe Jag? Just asking.......Mx