Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Funeral went well. Back in Manchester tomorrow and will update fully then.  J x


fig said...

The service for your Mum was touching, respectful, moving and beautiful. Your eulogy was terrific and captured her essence without being mawkish or awkward and made lots of us laugh and cry.

Both you and your Dad were completely brilliant; your dignity and the presence of mind you demonstrated; either with guests or when talking about Jan showed just how much you loved her and respected her.

I was lucky enough to have met your Mum on several occasions and she was always kind to me; I thought she was lovely.

I just want you and your Dad to hold all the love there was in that room on Monday and call on it when you need it; there was lots given.

Jan would have been so proud of you both.

Fig x x x

Jonathan said...

Thank you honey. J x