Monday, November 11, 2013


So I'm back in Manchester (I came back for some Macmillan meetings) but it sounds as though my Mum has actually got worse since she left hospital rather than better. Her breathing is difficult and she may have some pressure sores (don't start me on the tone of the letter I will be writing to the ward over the fact that they didn't once check her for these).  Anyway, that's not my primary concern at the moment.  I've asked Dad to get in touch with Mum's oncologist but to go straight to A&E if things get any worse.  Likelihood now is that I will cancel everything after today - tea with Jude, Macmillan, lunch in Liverpool, Swan Lake, cinema, The Magic Flute at ENO, Mexican lunch in Leicester Square, day out in Chester, flat warming - and just go home. I'll let you know.

In other news, Denise boarded her flight safely. She's also now landed in Dubai where there is a one hour delay.  She's currently sat in the Business Class Lounge enjoying a meal of salmon and stir fry with free wine.  Nevertheless she manages to complain that it's like a cattle market!  Oh how quickly we adapt... One can only guess at the hell that must be Economy.

Saw her off at the airport - I had to drive there in my own car whilst Denise was chauffeur driven - I wasn't allowed in the limousine due to insurance problems or something.  It's lucky I was there because when I phoned her to say I was waiting by the Emirates check-in but couldn't see her she realised that she was attempting to board the wrong airline (Ethiad)!  She puts this down to being a City supporter rather than being giddy with excitement.  Anyway, here we are having a coffee just before she went to the Departure Gates. 

And that's all for now.  Will hopefully text later to let you all know what is happening.  J x

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