Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Not Good News

So we saw Mum's oncologist, Dr Parker, on Monday.  She told us there were no more treatments that she could offer Mum.  She said the fact that her symptoms had returned so quickly following the last round of chemotherapy meant that her cancer had become "platinum resistant".  This means that cisplatin and carboplatin, the two chemotherapy drugs she had previously received, would no longer work.  There are other chemo drugs available but they only have a one in ten success rate and Mum is in no condition to undergo chemotherapy at the moment anyway.  And Dr Parker doesn't think that she will get to the stage where she would be strong enough to give them a go.  We were all stunned.  We had gone to the appointment expecting to hear what the plan for treating Mum would be and to be told that there is no plan and no treatment is devastating.

We asked what the prognosis was and were told that it isn't good.  Typical of Mum her initial response was "who is going to look after Dad". 

Ironically Mum seems to have got a bit stronger since the meeting, so much so that they are looking at repeating the pleurodesis procedure (the talcum powder) to see if it works second time round. I'm fairly sure this improvement in her condition will be down to the fact that the antibiotics are dealing with her infection.  Her breathing is also getting better as the drain works.  But her fatigue is still intense and this is a side effect of the progression of the cancer.

Dad and I went to the Maggie's Centre they have on site at the hospital to find out what we can expect and what happens next and Dad has made an appointment to go back and have a chat with them tomorrow.  Dr Parker has made contact with the palliative care team from Morriston Hospital (Mum is in Singleton Hospital) and they have already been in touch with Mum.  And that's where we are.  I'll update you as we learn more.  

I've come back up to Manchester for a couple of days.  I'm currently experiencing some back pain but don't know whether it's cancer related or due to the stress and tension of the situation.  Or just the fact that I've spent a week in Swansea sleeping in a strange bed. I've talked to Dr Yvonne though and she wants me to phone her on Friday for an update.  Should have been at Sweeney Todd tonight but just couldn't face it.

And that's all for now.  J x

1 comment:

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Bitter news, Jonathan. All the things I want to say have already been said over the past year or two so you just need to know that I am sending you and the Aged Ps loads of love and sympathy. Wish I could send you a cure; this cancer is a bastard