Friday, May 10, 2013

Not All Alone In The World

I now exist in a world of raised voices and shouting.  Yes, the Aged Ps have arrived and therefore all conversations are now at top volume due to inadequacy (or indeed complete bloody-minded lack of) hearing aids.

Mother's chemotherapy has had to be delayed by a week and so they have been able to join me in my lonely (ha!) Portugese stay... There are only two days left though. :-) Plans are now being made for all sorts of activities that involve, in some way shape or form, alcohol.

Weather remains magnificent.  That's all for now, need to go and shout at someone that we need milk... J x

1 comment:

spotsrus said...

Have a lovely WEEKEND togTHER!
Enjoy the alcohol and milk, there is a Blues song about that very thing.
The T's xxx