Friday, May 17, 2013

Nobody Got Fired

Although I did effectively get to knock one team out of the competition - but they deserved to be knocked out.  It was a fun but long and tiring day.  Not helped by the fact that at one stage we were heading the wrong way down the M6! 

Yesterday was a little more gentle.  Out to Bents for lunch followed by a CT scan at Wythenshawe and then out with Jane & Bill in the evening (Alchemist - Carluccio's, yes lasagne but also asparagus - Radisson). A lot of fun.  Both are doing well.  Jane was a little happy on the alcohol and kept sniffing me as she liked my eau de cologne :-) Looks like we're not going to the Tatton Park concert this year as, for some reason, the Halle aren't playing. It's bloody Katherine Jenkins instead. And I don't want to see her thank you very much. If anyone knows why they're not playing I'd be interested to know - is there a big scandal? Or is it about money?

Today is a leaving do in the Abercrombie (I know) and then possibly round to DD's later.

Spoke to the ever-delicious Mrs T earlier (and I've been forbidden from telling you about our discussions) but rest assured that she and Mr T are fine and dandy. And that's all. J x

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