Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ocean's 13

Not very good. And isn't Brad Pitt looking old?

Anyway, One Man Star Wars Trilogy on Thursday which should be fun. Gym tonight (with or without Denise who may or may not have a gammy leg). After a delicious bowl of my home made red pepper and chilli soup that is (which is delicious and red - once I'd worked out that you need red peppers for it rather than green...) J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

You'd look old if you were married to Angelina and suddenly became father to 27 children...

Especially if you are filmed next to the gorgeous George....

Glad your cooking skills are not being neglected and that you are eating more.

Please tell Jane I am thinking of her, and Bill, when you next speak to her, hon?
Nanny x

newcastlewench said...

Wot J, no comment on Dr Who, when RTD discovered prayer and resurrection? And why couldn't the Master have been given his own spin-off show, I could have watched John Simm doing evil-with-style for hours. Episode One, the Master kicks the Andrex puppy.... it could have run for months. Now all I have to soothe my soul is Boston Legal. Off to Cornwall next week, to Bude. Maybe even Rude in Bude (I wish!) with lots of Fude. But not to be Vude in the Nude by a single Dude, for fear of being Sude for Lude behaviour.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for kind comments Nanny ..we're doin fine