Friday, June 01, 2007

The Twins Must Die

yes, I'm watching Big Brother... (in between all the cleaning - Aged Ps arrive on Thursday, just 5 days to go, how will I ever fit it all in?). J x


fig said...

The Twins! The Sloane! The Lesley. Eeek-a-rama.

I don't want to watch.

And now there's a '26' year old man called 'Ziggy'.

My head might explode.

newcastlewench said...

BB? BB? How can you think about BB when Dr Who is going down the pan? "The doctor goes and sees my sister once a year, because he locked her into every mirror that exists". Besides the lunacy of suggesting that the doctor only looks in a mirror once a year (maintaining that cowlicky semi-bouffant would take two good brushing sessions a day AT LEAST), when on earth did RTD hand over his artistic soul to Snow White? And locking that nice young psychopath (ooh! younnng MANNN!)onto a scarecrow pole and disguising him for all time by - durrrr - putting a bit of a sack over his head - didn't he know that within 50 years that field will be a housing estate and the freaky scarecrow with the human body will be whisked off to Roswell for reanimation? Oh Russell Russell Russell, don't let us down now when we've come so far.

Jonathan said...

God, just tried to add a comment. is it this difficult for everyone? No wonder no-one posts anymore...

Jonathan said...

Phew, sorted - I came in through the back door... Anyway, anyway. What I was going to say was that I enjoyed the 2 parter. Much better I thought than trying to squeeze everything (including Michelle Collins and that ridiculous run of hers - watch it again, you'll see what I mean) into one episode. Having now considered NW's comments though I can see that she has a point... J x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Ooooh, cone on, what about Torchwood? Much better than Dr Who. You must admit that Captain Jack in his RAF outfit and that manic grin beats the current Time Lord into a cocked hat. And the Welsh wench is much more feisty than whatsername. And the plots are better.

But BB? I despair of you. Time for Mum and Dad to reintroduce you to the delights of snooker and tennis!

fig said...

I simply must interject... Russell TD did not write the last two espisodes, they were by Paul Cornell and based on his novel of the same name which was written on 1990...

Torchwood is pants. Worse, its is Sci-fi pants. Space 1999 with swearing.

... And here's some gossip. My spies tell me that Dave Lynn, David Raven (Maisie Trollette) and Stephen (Lola Lasagne) have been approached by Doctor Who Producers with a view to s story in Series 4 about a planet populated by drag queens... you heard it here first!

Jonathan said...

Paul Cornell wrote a novel called Paul Cornell? How odd. J x P.S. In defence of my good friend Newcie Wench I think RT Davies does, in fact, oversee everything (except perhaps the naming of Paul Cornell's novels) and so really should take the blame for anything that goes wrong, such as Michelle Collins silly run...

Jonathan said...

P.P.S. Sci-fi pants? Now why hasn't anyone thought of those before? J x

newcastlewench said...

Fair point FigMeister. But RTD is the chap in charge so must stand or fall by the work of his underlings. Though were his teeth gritted in the 'confidential' when he said how wonderful he thought those punishments to be?
Torchwood has wonderful ideas but is let down by either the writing or the direction, as they go from detached and calm to wrought and sobbing within seconds. It's 'oh look, the door won't open. OMG THE DOOR IS STUCK WHAT WILL WE DOOOOOO??' without ever passing through the emotions inbetween. I think I want Tw to be brilliant but sadly it's not yet delivered what it promises. But then, what classic series was ever good in its first series? (Apart from Hex of course, sadly axed before its time).

Love the drag queens idea - haven't they already trialled the idea on the Friday Night Project with the Carr-Leks? Can we have David Tennant in kitten heels and a blonde wig again?

fig said...

Sci-fi pants. I'm wearing mine at the moment. Got some Soap Opera Socks as well.

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Ah Mr Fig, you're just jealous of Capt Jack who'd look gorgeous in sci-fi pants or a sack.

See how shallow I am? Never mind the plot, the actors have to be pretty.

Nanny x

Joolz said...

Jonathan - Be careful what you say about the twins - AULAngel tells me one of her colleagues is their aunty!!!!!!!!! Tee hee