Monday, June 10, 2013

The Day Got Better And Then Got Worse

So the planetarium was fun.  Except I was unlucky because there was a coach trip of old farts there, half of whom fell asleep during the show and the other half of whom thought they were at home watching television and therefore it was OK to talk to each other. If it hadn't been for them it would have just been me which would have been über cool. The planetarium is part of The Great Northern Museum which is as exciting as it name suggests.  But they did have a stuffed elephant (not as big as you might have imagined) and a T Rex skeleton which is a lot bigger than I had imagined.  If it bit you it would bite through two thirds of your body - even given how fat I am.

Then went to see the film Beyond the Candelabra.  A really good film with stellar performances from Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. Saw it in the Tyneside Cinema which is a bit like The Cornerhouse but way cooler. 

Had a martini in a bar with a forgettable name (and a forgettable martini) but which, on its cocktail list, had a punch for £1000!  Followed this with a forgettable Indian meal.  Beyond excited to see Mrs T tomorrow.  She has all sorts of exciting things planned I'm guessing.

Getting a little worried by the thought of "man deserts". Not really clear what these might be but apparently they are areas of high numbers of fat women (judging by the interviewees on Newsnight tonight). Mind you the black chap also being interviewed is talking out his arse. I now find myself agreeing with fat women in Salford. I'm calling it the "Newcastle effect"...

That's all. Will be blogging tomorrow from Mrs T's actual house.  Yes, her actual house.  Can you imagine? J x

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