Thursday, February 15, 2007

What a Wonderful World

Had such a good day today. Saw Sean at Christies. After the usual prodding of my neck and peering down my throat he declared himself happy with the way things are looking. I asked him about the high temperature episodes and he said he thought it might have been a chest infection and that we should get an X-ray of my lungs to check they were clear. That worried me a bit but luckily I was able to get the X-ray done there and then and he and some of his colleagues looked at it and said that my lungs were clear. Which was a huge relief. He even managed to joke that "they're all clear apart from a little bit of metal...!" I also asked him about blood tests because I know my Mum used to have them and also whether I should have a scan. He explained that there isn't a blood test for my type of cancer. He had been thinking about getting a scan of my throat so that he could see how things were progressing from the inside and since I'd asked anyway he might as well go ahead and schedule one. So hopefully that will have taken place before my next appointment and those results will be all clear too. He also said that he thought that there was still room for progress on my swallowing because not everything will have settled down from the treatment yet. Phew. That was really encouraging coz I've been getting a bit depressed about that recently.

The lovely lovely Debbie wasn't there today (apparently she's at home watching her kitchen ceiling being pulled down) but the lovely Charlotte was on hand (she gets one lovely for saying I looked fantastic today - and in 32" waist Prada jeans why wouldn't I? - but she's got a way to go yet before she catches up with the lovely lovely Debbie). Also did my computer questionaire for the woman whose name I've forgotten. She comes and sees me every couple of months or so and gets me to fill in this questionaire about how I'm feeling, how much pain I'm in, what problems I'm having etc etc. She also measures how far I can open my mouth - I'm back to the standard I was after the operation but before the radiotherapy but not yet back to the pre-op stage. She asked if I'd had many problems about opening my mouth and I asked whether she was referring to my sex life - poor girl nearly died when I said that but managed to splutter that in fact she was asking about eating and drinking. So why didn't she say that in the first place?

When I got home I had a call from the nutritionist and she's going to come and see me on the same day that I see Frances next (06/03 I think). Everyone thinks I should stop losing weight now so I've been force feeding myself Ensure Pluses all day. I'll be back up to the size of a house in no time...

Went to the gym this afternoon with Denise and had a really good workout so I'm just all round feeling fine and dandy. Back to work tomorrow though so I suppose it'll be back down to earth with a bang. Never mind, I've had a bloody good day today and since they're few and far between lets just celebrate that fact. Night all. J x

1 comment:

newcastlewench said...

LMAO!!! - you are a bad, bad man, shocking that poor girlie.
Glad you had a good day though. We should all treasure days like that, the'nice warm glow' days.

And I love the 'today I am wearing Prada with Calvin Klein shorts and M&S socks' thing. As I sit here in my Evans trousers with a TKMaxx top, it is very American Psycho and am dead jealous of your stylishness. More more! You're like Heat Magazine for people who can spell.