Monday, February 12, 2007

Mrs T Rocks

Had a fantastic weekend with the T. She had brought her white gloves but confined herself to her impressions of Michael Jackson rather than Kim and Aggie. She's looking well and enjoying life North of civilisation (boo). She joined us during the darts match (I was out first round) and Dave and Wayne ended up winning. Wayne will now be (even more) insufferable for the rest of the year...

The Vortex was very good in a Noel Coward sort of way. Will Young was impressive and very very pretty. Although he does have rather large hips. Went to Chez Gerrard for a drink afterwards. Saturday was even more glamorous as we went to Lakeland Plastics for lunch followed by John Lewis and Sainsburys. Then watched World Trade Centre (very good) and Acorn Antiques (hysterical) on DVD. I have to say though that I think I preferred the version of AA that I saw on the stage. It seemed more coherent somehow (and obviously not as long). The DVD version was a bit too "West End" if anything can be said to be that.

Had a high temperaturs again on Saturday (3rd time now). May be something to do with the long day I had on Friday where I may have overdone things but I'm seeing Sean on Thursday so I'll check things out with him. Hopefully its not a sign of returning cancer...

Tried to book for Patrick Stewart in The Tempest in London but the dates agreed with Donna and Sarah have all sold out. Boo. There is a version coming to the Royal Exchange in Manchester so might go and see that instead. J x

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