Saturday, February 17, 2007

Not So Good News

Went to the optician to get my eyes tested today (yes I need glasses but I chose some fantastic Dior ones so you don't need to worry about me looking ugly) but the optician noticed a lump on my eyelid. He's referring me to my GP. He says he thinks its just a bit of inflammation but in view of my medical history he thinks it needs to be checked. Fingers crossed its not a return of the cancer. J x

1 comment:

Darth Vader said...

I think if I had as many days and nights on the tiles as you I would have lumpy eyelids and everything else! Sure it will be fine - fingers crossed anyway. Cant wait to catch up again, have been astounded by your stamina party animal but then if i had lost as much weight as you and had just as many fab new clothes to show off then I guess I would be out with the best of them too! You MUST come to the next BG in the new togs and hopefully the new glasses too. I must go and get mine altered again, they keep getting too big... I wonder if its cos I shove them on the top of my head when I am not wearing them or do you think my head is shrinking??? No cant be - am a Leo, big head and big mane - thats us all over

Much love and keep us all informed. I never miss a blog even if cant get on there. You are my Nero latte accompaniment.