Sunday, January 28, 2007


Had a good night's sleep on Thursday night and felt better Friday morning but though that discretion was the better part of valour so didn't attempt work. Lounged around all day Friday (apart from a walk to the doctor's) and my temperature came right down to normal. Went to the cinema with Jim Saturday night - The Last King of Scotland. A film about Idi Amin. Have since looked him up on Wikipedia and a lot of the film it turns out is fictional. However the film is probably truthful when it deals with the brutality of the regime and the sheer scariness of Amin himself. Quite bloodthirsty in places. Then for a drink on Canal Street. Went to chemists this morning to pick up the prescription I'd left on Friday (they don't stock the quantities of drugs I need!) but it was closed. Will have to go tomorrow. Had 3 ginger nuts dunked in coffee this morning. Progress of sorts... J x


Anonymous said...

Idi was an old horror, wasn't he, love? I suppose you are too young to remember him. Like many another tyrant - Saddam, Mugabe et al - he was propped up by the British Government to protect vested interests. And it always ends in tears for someone - but never the ****** politicians.

Glad you're much better - feeling dizzy is always worrying (though it doesn't bother me so much since I went blonde) but it might even have been down to not enough water while you're exercising. Thus Dr Penny diagnoses your problems! Family trait perhaps?

Shall hope to see you soon - in the meantime, carry on having fun!
Nanny x

newcastlewench said...

Hobnobs and Abbey Crunch might be a bit grainy. But how about Lincoln biscuits, the ones with all the dimples on? They don't have chewy bits or sugar crystals so will attain a uniform sogginess on contact with the tea.
Similarly malted milks or their active associates, Sports biscuits (did you ever try to chew the swimmer's arm off the top side of the biscuit, or was I the only one?) but they always tasted like babysick so wouldn't be as enjoyable as Lincolns or - indeed, as you have already found - gingers.