Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New 2007

The casino was fun. Lost £60 (but since this was less than I'd won on the lottery - £68 - it wasn't too bad). The place was quite busy with lots of people who looked like they might be clients of HMRC and yet would sit across a desk from you and tell you that they never smoked or drank or went out much less gambled... the amounts of money being gambled were obscene. I apparently sat next to Tyrone from Coronation Street whilst playing blackjack but had no idea who he was. Got home about 0130 which wasn't too bad. Had a text from DD saying she was home at 0400....!

Might go out for a drink on Canal Street tonight. Don't know yet. And then its down to some serious cleaning for the arrival of Madame La Fig.

Just heard from DD. She's just got up (I know!) and is now off to the match (Everton apparently). Will meet her later for a drink as well. J x

1 comment:

fig said...

Well Happy New Year to you (as I previously posted on the earlier entry). This note is a quickie and stands in for our ususal New Year phone call. I don't want to ring just now as I know what'll happen ... we'll get all giggly and spoil all the gossip we could have shared in person at the weekend. The only news I will impart here is to confirm that 'gameoldbird' is indeed Mama Warren. She confessed all over Xmas and was amazed- amazed I tell you - to think you might not have realised it was she. The 'Hi Handsome' opening gambit was, she felt, enough to give the game away ... I think she might feel she has sole ownership of appreciating your physical beauty ... and there we shall stop.