Sunday, January 14, 2007

How Long Have You Got?

Its been a while since I've updated this so I'd make a nice cup of tea and maybe treat myself to a biscuit if I were you while you settle down to read this entry. If you're reading this in work on a Monday morning I'd make sure the calendar was free until lunchtime... So pin back your lugholes, here we go.

Fig came up to stay last weekend. He arrived Friday lunchtime and Friday night we went to Leicester to see The Wizard of Oz. Who knew Leicester was so far away? We'd allowed ourselves pleanty of time to get there but since we ran out of petrol and had to stop to fill up and then got lost in Leicester city centre we only made it to the theatre with 5 minutes to spare - not even time to pre-order interval drinks! The show was very good though and Ceri (as the wicked witch of the west) was very good. Not green at all and very glamourous. Still managed to get booed by everyone though. So no change there from his normal shows... the rest of the cast were superb and, we thought, that the production was very good (but see later under Leeds). Had a few problems getting home as well since both Manchester slip roads off the M6 were closed for who knows what reason and we had to eventually go via the M62. Got home absolutley knackered about 0100.

On Saturday we went shopping in the morning. Quite successfully since Fig bought a pair of jeans, some shoes and a watch and I bought a pair of Prada trainers. Saturday afternoon we went to The Lowry to see Acorn Antiques which was just about the funniest thing I've seen on stage in a long time. The cast were excellent and the really good thing was that they'd changed the show quite radically from its West End debut (where Fig had already seen it, without inviting me but that's another story and I'm not bitter at all) so it was like seeing a new show for Fig too. Later on Saturday night we met up with Jim and went drinking in the Village ending up in everyone's favourite tranny bar, Napoleon's. Got home, no idea what time but quite late.

Sunday saw us meeting up with Jim again and trooping off to The Opera House to see Snow White. A more traditional pantomime. The sets and costumes were fantastic although some of the cast left a bit to be desired. The dwarves were wonderful though. Then it was back home for a late lunch and out again to the Village ending up in everyone's favourite tranny bar, Napoleon's.

Fig went home Monday and then it was back to work for me Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday averaging around 6 and a half hours a day. Also went to the gym on Tuesday and Wednesday nights with Denise. Which made me feel very virtuous.

This Friday I met up with Jim, Patrick, Paul, David, Gordon & Lizzie after they'd had a meal in Villagio for Jim's birthday and we all went out drinking in the Village ending up in everyone's favourite tranny bar, Napoleon's. Didn't get home until 0230.

Then was up dead early to catch a train to Leeds to meet Sarah. We went for a coffee and a natter and then did the sales - Westwood (you were right Gordon, its not as big as Manchester) etc ending up in Harvey Nichols (natch) where I bought a Prada belt and jacket. Back to Sarah's for lunch which is when I discovered that I'd forgotten to bring a syringe with me so had to drink my Ensure Pluses which I hadn't been able to manage before because they're quite thick (its all those vitamins and nutrients) and tends to just clag (is that a word?) round my mouth. Luckily though I've now discovered that I can drink them with not too much trouble. This allied with the fact that I can drink soluble painkillers means, in theory, that I can now get rid of the tube in my stomach. Hurrah. I won't be doing it anytime soon though as its like a comfort blanket for me at the moment. After watching some rugby with Huw (Sarah's partner) which is interesting mainly because the players wear shorter shorts than footballers we went to The West Yorkshire Playhouse (via some cocktails in a nearby hostelery) to see the Wixard of Oz. This production knocked Leicester into a cocked hat (sorry Fig). It was superb as were the cast (apart, perhaps, from the cowardly lion who was perhaps not as strong as Leicester's). Caught the tarin back to Manchester afterwards and got home about midnight.

Then had Sue & Kev round this morning for a coffee. They're both well and looking mighty fine (Mrs T is losing weight) and enjoying themselves in the barren wastelands of the North East. It doesn't look as though I'll be persuading them to move back to Manchester anytime soon. They've already started looking at properties and have seen a couple that they like and are within their price range. Boo hoo. They send their regards to everyone they know.

Have just spoken to DD and we're off to the gym this afternoon. This evening I shall be collapsing on the sofa and not answering the phone. And that's your lot. Phew. What a busy time I've been having. Hope its not so long next time between posts. TTFN. J x

1 comment:

fig said...

Ah yes. It was a lovely weekend. I've been showing off my pointy shoes to all and sundry and telling the time to complete strangers just so that I can flash them my DKNY watch. Yes indeed.

Shattered to read that you had a theatrical experience that bettered one of ours. How could this happen? I shall be writing to my MP.

Very pleased to read about your oral intake improvements. Perhaps this will mean you will start putting on a bit of weight - you skinny bitch.

Keep an eye out for your post, I'll be popping a DVD of Acorn Antiques The Musical in the mail to you - so you can witness the original and thrill to Julie Walters tap dancing.

Fig Tynan