Friday, September 18, 2009

Not in Kansas Anymore

No, I'm back in bloody hospital again. Only this time it's my gall bladder. And it has to come out. Hopefully this will only involve an endoscopy and keyhole surgery. But none of that will happen until next week so it's a long boring weekend in hospital that's in prospect. Although it's not boring at this precise moment in time because somone on the other side of the ward is having a fit and coughing up blood. Quite spectacular until they curtained us all off. Can't see a thing now and it's like listening to the radio. I have to say though that I'm not comforted by the NHS response to the crisis. Everyone ran around like headless chickens at first. The drugs cabinet was left wide open and it took 10 minutes for a doctor to appear. Not at all like ER.

Anyway, back to me. Started feeling ill on Monday night and throwing up. Felt not too bad on Tuesday but didn't go into work but went in Wednesday because I had a Team meeting and a new trainee starting. Felt dreadful and so went home in the afternoon and started throwing up again. Got DD to drive me to A&E that evening and they kept me in. Was in absolute agony Wednesday night whilst the nurses on Emergency Medical tried to find a doctor to prescribe pain relief. Eventually they found someone to write "morphine every 4 hours" and I've been happy as Larry ever since. I do feel morphine should be more generally available to the general population. And now it's just a waiting game and they won't even let me go home for the weekend with a stash of morphine. Spoilsports. We could have partied...! I'll let y'all know more as and when I know more. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

OMG Jonathan, when you do things, you do them properly, don't you? Are you competing with Charlie now for frequent flyer miles at the A&E?
It's quite entertaining in there once you get over the pain.

So which ward are you on, honey?

And shall we cancel Grado? Since there only appeared to be thee, me and Jane, no problem there, I think.

Hope you are sorted out very soon, dear. Blog if and when you can.

Much love
Nanny x

Jonathan said...

No Lisa, Andrea and, I think, Kate were also interested. Lisa has taken over booking responsibilities. And this hospital visit was necessary as I've been feeling a little chunky recently and, true to form, I've been referred to the dietician but haven't seen sight nor sound of one up to this moment. And they won't work weekends so if it wasn't for DD smuggling in Ensure Pluses for me I'd be losing even more weight... J x

Jonathan said...

Oh, and I'm currently on Emergency Surgical Ward 8 but don't expect to be here for long. They'll transfer me to a general medical ward before long I expect... J x

Anonymous said...

Darling this is serious operation not liposuction ..chunky??? you're as skinny as a latte my love who do you think you are Wallis Simpson?

Can visit this weekend if you wish and can boast of hobnobbing with ST journalists, international queueing, and pilgrimage to Picasso's grave.

A little concerned that bookgroup may fall apart without you still I will discourse on reverse chronology and suggest a little manzanilla.

I love you bebs

Jonathan said...

Would be great to see you Jane if you have the time. They've just moved me to Ward 11 (Bed 21) and I think most of the people here actually fought with (or against) Harry Patch... So we could ask them about dear Carol's poem. And the book club existed before me and will exist long after gone... J c

Jonathan said...

P.S. I really need to read up on Wallis since I think she may be a girl I could identify with. Honestly, the farting that is going on on this ward has to be experienced to be believed... Thank God I have a bed by a window. J x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Is there a link between Wallis Simpson and the farting or was that just a gentle digression? I seem to remember reading somewhere that she spent some time learning the tricks of the trade in a Chinese whorehouse - or am I thinking of Jordan?