Monday, February 02, 2009

Tuesday's child is free from hospital!

Yes, I've managed to piss off so many people with my complaints about the dietician service (or lack thereof) that they've decided to throw me out. I'm off the oxygen now and they're keeping me in tonight to make sure my blood oxygen saturation holds up. Have seen a dietician today and informed her of each of the separate occasions on which she and the system have failed me. I feel better for this. Will also be having a chest x-ray today to see if they need to drain any fluid. That's all. J x


Joolz said...


That's wonderful news - you will feel much more comfortable at home. Glad you are complaining about the service - it is abysmal at best and downright inefficient at worst! (My humble opinion for what its worth!).

Lots of Love and hugs


Anonymous said...

well done bebs

Can you txt me your address I forget to give you your card.

Snow on snow we leave work early and yet only arrive home after seven but at last 4x4 proves its worth and we negotiate the back roads sucessfully.

Top boss Mr Hartnett on panorama tonight

Kathryn said...

I'm very proud of you, and just disappointed that you didn't manage to piss off more of them. Once you are at home you will be able to start to recover. Fingers crossed for you for tomorrow. Kathrynxx

Bloggerhead said...

Give em hell Jonathan, sounds like they need it, what a shower !

Hope you are back home and recovering asap
