Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Home Alone

It was only a matter of time before the need to look after their son clashed with the social commitments of the Aged Ps. Needles to say, I'm sat at home on my own and they're out playing bowls.

We have had a good today though. We went to Aberglasney as a birthday treat for my father. The garden is lovely (if a little bare at the moment) and we had a really nice lunch there. And of course the Ninfarium is wonderful what ever the time of year.

Health-wise I'm feeling really good although I do still get tired really quickly. I've also started to put on weight (one whole pound! - I'm now 11 stone 9 pounds, which isn't far off what I was following the cancer treatment). My breathing is also a bit easier and I'm losing the tenderness on my right side (which is the side of the pneumonia infection). Yesterday I managed a 15 minute walk up a hill but was completely knackered at the end of it.

And guess what? There's a cricket match going on. Morning, noon and night. Bloody cricket. Still its a small price to pay for the care and attention I'm receiving. That's all for now. J x

1 comment:

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Needles? Have you taken up knitting now, to spite the Aged Ps? Really, how remarkably thoughtless of them to want to go out bowling; you should probably report them to your local social worker.

Good news that you are putting back a little of the weight you've lost. One might say - and shall - that you MUST be feeling better to be carping about the cricket....

We all missed you tonight at the reading group and will hope that you are soon well enough to rejoin us.

Wish your Papa a happy birthday from us all and keep on getting better.
Nanny xxx
PS What IS a ninfarium (I refuse to google it) - some kind of Welsh musical instrument, a beauty parlour for the local sheep, what?