Tuesday, February 05, 2008

One Never Has Enough String

Why is that? When one is packing up ones belongings into little bundles that are easily movable from room to room and neatly tying each one up with string, inevitably when the scissors snip one doesn't have sufficient string for one's bundle-tying needs. And each time one would swear that one had measured out enough string to hog-tie a cowboy (if one needed to). And yet, no, not enough. Its most inconvenient. Have spent the evening tying up bundles of belongings: books, CDs, DVDs, records - yes, records. I have 230 vinyl records that I simply can't throw away - and about 100 that I have thrown away. And how do I know I have precisely 230 that I'm keeping? Why because I tied them up in bundles of 25 so that they'd be easy to carry. And I counted the number in each bundle. That's how anal I am! I could have just arranged them in nice sized piles but no, I had to count them all. Madness I tell you. And then I never had enough string for each bundle (see above).

Enjoyed Cloverfield last night. Camera work was a little annoying in places but not enough to make one sick. Thankfully. At least it was on - when Gill and I went to see The Golden Compass on Friday we found out it was no longer showing and had to go and see Enchanted instead (have I already told you all this?). Never mind. That's all for now anyway. J x

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