Friday, February 15, 2008

Damp Squib News

Builders can't start next week so we've had to delay the commencement of the refurb until the following Monday. Hey, ho better to get it right than to rush it... That's all. J x


Unknown said...

Well do not get me started on delays by builders. I am sure they will be good to you and start next week.
I have not gathered the strength to start searching for plasteres but I will, after the plumber eventually surfaces.
It least it gives you a bit more prep time..are you putting off your visits until next week?
No joy with the scambuster job, but that's not too surprising.

the Ts xxxx

Jonathan said...

Well I'm not surprised, I'm astounded. After the reference I gave you they should have made you head scambuster (with knobs on). J x